Our Story

Life doesn’t always go as planned. Sometimes, the road gets bumpy, detours pop up out of nowhere, and before you know, you’re stuck at a red light you definitely didn’t see coming.

As someone who was diagnosed with a panic disorder, day to day activities became difficult for me as my panic attacks would begin from thin air. My heart rate would spike, my hands would freeze up and my body would become numb. 

Personally, I have always preferred natural solutions as opposed to prescription medications. My sophomore year of college I began trying different supplements such as L-Theanine, Rhodiola Rosea, Etc. These worked for me, but I wanted something that would help in the moment as well. 

Thats when Re-Routes "In-Its-Tracks" was born. During a panic attack I had while driving, I pulled over, grabbed a bag of warheads to calm my breathing patterns and distract my brain, and thought "there should be a supplement that combines all of these into one helpful product".

I hope this can help anyone else who experiences panic and anxiety attacks. With this being the first product, I intend to add more flavors, more innovative solutions, etc. to help myself and others overcome their mental and physical struggles to fuel your strength, not your fears.